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Jamie worked late tonight.  Very late.  So, it was just me and the kiddos.  After Grayson went to sleep, me and Alex had some good quality time together.  It went a little something like this:

A little ball action.

We got a little carried away playing with Photo Booth.

We were both literally rolling around on the ground laughing histerically.

Wow!  These are only 6 out of about 100.

Lots of drawing.  This kid is a seriously good artist.  I mean he's only 6 years old, and he draws really well.

See what I mean?  Pretty darn accurate.  We watched this and The Grinch for the thousandth time this week.

Alex's masterpiece:
Meet Darf Vader.  

Alex got a little happy with my camera and started taking pictures.  Of everything.  These are the best ones:

Great job Alex!  Notice the attention to detail.  I like it.  I like it a lot.

What is not pictured, unfortunately, is the part when Alex went into my closet and came out prancing around in a pair of sky-high heels.  You can only imagine those skinny little legs in some big ole' shoes {size 9 to be exact}.  We were both in stitches, but he would NOT let me get any pictures of him because "people would think he is a girl."  Seriously?!  I think they will definitely know that you are a very handsome young boy!  Gotta love this boy and his sense of humor.

Daddy finally made it home safe and sound.  We are all pooped with a capital 'P'!  So, I'm off to bed so we can wake up early and head off!

1 comment:

  1. Vickie Augustine CochranJuly 1, 2010 at 12:13 PM

    He really is a great artist!
